(Provera, Depo-Provera, DMPA)

Mechanism of action:

Progestin; hormone

Ref: 658, 659, 660

Last update: 2022-07-07
Tablet: 5 mg, 10 mg
Injection: 150 mg/mL
Abnormal uterine bleeding:
5-10 mg/dose PO daily or for 14 days of each menstrual cycle starting on day 16 or 21 of menstrual cycle.

Endometrial protection for amenorrhea:
10 mg PO daily x 10 - 12 days if the patient has not experienced spontaneous menses within 60-90 days.

Contraception/menstrual suppression:
150 mg IM every 10 - 12 weeks

The choice of daily or cyclic administration is dependent on patient desire for menstrual suppression.

Tablets are not a form of oral contraception.

Consultation with gynecology is recommended to  discuss endometrial protection in the setting of amenorrhea.

DMPA is for IM injection only.

DMPA use is associated with decreased bone mineral density - if menstrual suppression is not achieved with Q12 week dosing, consultation with gynecology is recommended.

Standard Prescription:

medroxyprogesterone__mg PO daily starting on day__of menstrual cycle and continue for__consecutive days.

medroxyprogesterone__mg PO daily for__days.

medroxyprogesterone__mg IM Q__months.