(Elocom, Nasonex)

Mechanism of action:


Ref: 44, 415, 416, 498

Last update: 2022-07-06
Nasal Spray: 50 mcg/spray, 140 doses per container
0.1% (15 g, 50 g)
0.1% (30 mL)

Nasal Spray
Allergic rhinitis
2-11 yrs: 1 spray into each nostril once daily
>12 yrs: 2 sprays into each nostril once daily

Nasal obstruction/adenoidal hypertrophy
3-15 yrs: 1 spray into each nostril once daily x 6 weeks, then daily for the first 2 weeks of each month

>2 yrs: Apply a thin film to affected areas once daily.
>12 yrs: Apply a few drops to affected areas once daily. Massage lightly into skin.

Nasal Spray
Avoid using higher than recommended dosages; suppression of linear growth (ie, reduction of growth velocity), reduced bone mineral density, or hypercortisolism (Cushing syndrome) may occur; titrate to lowest effective dose. Reduction in growth velocity may occur when corticosteroids are administered to pediatric patients, even at recommended doses via intranasal route (monitor growth).

Do not use occlusive dressings.

Do not use in pediatric patients for longer than 3 weeks.

Discontinue therapy when control is achieved; reassess diagnosis if no improvement seen in 2 weeks.

Due to a higher BSA to weight ratio, pediatric patients are at a greater risk of HPA axis suppression and Cushing syndrome compared to adults. Application of topical steroids over >20% of BSA in pediatric patients increases risk of HPA axis suppression.

Standard Prescription:

mometasone nasal spray:__sprays in each nostril__(frequency)

mometasone lotion: apply drops to___(affected areas) ___ (frequency)

mometasone cream/ointment: apply thin film to__(affected areas)__(frequency)