(Nicorette, Nicoderm Habitrol, Nicotrol)

Mechanism of action:

Nicotine replacement

Ref: 44, 112, 293

Last update: 2021-08-03
gum: 2 mg, 4 mg
transdermal patch: 7 mg/24 hr, 14 mg/24hr, 21 mg/24 hr
Inhaler: 10 mg cartridge (=4 mg delivered)

Other dosage forms not stocked at BCCH:
Lozenge: 2 mg, 4 mg
Oral spray:
1 mg/spray
Smokers using less than 25 cigarettes/day or who are also using nicotine transdermal patch: Chew 2 mg gum when urge to smoke.

Smokers using 25 cigarettes/day or more: Chew 4 mg gum when urge to smoke.

After using gum regularly x 2 weeks, gradually decrease rate of gum consumption over the following12-week period.

Recommended maximum: 20 pieces of 2 mg gum or 10 pieces of 4 mg gum/24 hrs

Transdermal patch:
Smokers using more than 10 cigarettes/day: Apply 21 mg/24 hr patch daily x 6 weeks. If withdrawal symptoms persist, may have additional 7 mg patch (or more depending on nicotine consumption) followed by 14 mg/24 hr patch daily x 2 weeks, followed by 7 mg/24 hr patch daily x 2 weeks. Duration of tapering doses may be lengthened based on patient progress.

Inhale one cartridge q1-2h PRN urge to smoke. Smokers using less than 10 cigarettes/day: maximum 6 cartridges/day
Smokers using more than 10 cigarettes/day: maximum 12 cartridges/day

Continued cigarette smoking not recommended while using nicotine replacement therapy.

Nicotine absorption may continue for several hours after transdermal patch removed.

Transdermal patch: Apply new patch every 24 hours to non-hairy, clean, dry skin on the upper body or upper outer arm; each patch should be applied to a different site.

Dispose of used transdermal patches safely - patch reservoir contains enough nicotine to harm a child/animal.

Heavy smokers may need to exceed manufacturer's recommended dosage and/or duration of use for transdermal patches to adequately prevent cravings.

Nicotine transdermal patch may be combined with other nicotine delivery systems (e.g. gum, lozenge or inhaler) for control of cravings.

For best effect, chew gum using Bite, Bite, Park: Bite gum until tingling sensation occurs, then stop biting and park gum between cheek and gum for 30-60 seconds. Repeat process when tingling sensation disappears. Gum lasts approx. 30 min. May cause jaw/neck pain and stomach upset if chewed too quickly. Mouth/throat irritation is common.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine & acidic beverages for 15 minutes prior to use of nicotine gum - may reduce nicotine absorption.

Puff inhaler like a cigarette for up to 20 min. Dispose of cartridge after user. Inhaler is NOT the same as an e-cigarette/nicotine vaping. May cause throat irritation (rinse mouth after use to minimize), cough, rhinitis, headache or nausea.

Standard Prescription:

nicotine gum: chew__mg Q__H (PRN); max__mg/24hrs
nicotine__mg patch: apply one patch daily at__h and remove at__h