
Mechanism of action:

Diuretic; carbonic anhydrase inhibitor

Ref: 32, 44, 361

Last update: 2023-01-12
Tablet: 250 mg

Injection: 500 mg/vial

Oral suspension (BCCH): 25 mg/mL
5 mg/kg/dose PO/IV daily or every other day

2.5-7.5 mg/kg/dose PO/IV Q6-8H
Maximum: 1000 mg/24 hr

Increased Intracranial Pressure:
Initial:  6.7 mg/kg/dose PO/IV TID
Maximum: 100 mg/kg/24 hr or 2000 mg/24 hr (whichever is lower)

Initial: 2 mg/kg/dose PO BID
Maintenance: 4-10 mg/kg/dose PO BID to TID (8-30 mg/kg/24 hr)
(Limited additional benefit above 16 mg/kg/24 hr)
Maximum: 30 mg/kg/24 hr or 1000 mg/24 hr (whichever is lower)

Urine Alkalinization:  
5 mg/kg/dose IV/PO repeated 2-3 times over 24 hr

Avoid if allergic to sulfonamides.

Diuresis more effective given every other day or 2 out of 3 days only.

250 mg tablets can be quartered. May adjust dose according to tablet increments.

IM injections may be painful and are not recommended.

Take with food to minimize GI irritation, decreased appetite.

Adverse Effects: GI irritation, decreased appetite, metabolic acidosis, electrolyte imbalance, paresthesia, polyuria.

Bicarbonate replacement therapy may be required in long term use.

Standard Prescription:

acetazolamide __mg PO/IV Q__H (__mg/kg/dose)