
Mechanism of action:

Immunosuppresant; mTOR kinase inhibitor.

Ref: 4, 44, 406, 407, 408

Last update: 2022-09-11
tablet: 1 mg
liquid: 1 mg/mL
Solid Organ Transplant:
1-3 mg/m2/dose PO once daily or divided Q12H.

Adjust dose to achieve target trough level per organ transplant protocol.

Sirolimus should be taken 4 hours after PO cyclosporine (Neoral). Cyclosporine increases sirolimus absorption. It is not necessary to space tacrolimus doses from sirolimus.

Many potential drug interactions; consult pharmacist.

Oral solution must be refrigerated; opened bottle to be discarded after 30 days.

Refer to product monograph for appropriate administration of oral solution.

Oral solution administration via feeding tubes may result in variable levels.

Swish mouth with water after administering liquid or if split tablets to reduce likelihood of mouth sores occurring.

Refer to Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in References and Supplementary (white pages in hard copy).

Standard Prescription:

sirolimus __mg PO x 1 dose (__mg/m2/dose)

sirolimus __mg PO Q__H (__mg/m2/24 hr)