Mechanism of action:

Topical and intravenous organic dye

Ref: 44, 378, 379, 380

Last update: 2019-02-17
Injection: 500 mg/ 5 mL (10%)
Eye Drop: 2% (0.3 mL minim)
Ophthalmic Strip: 1 mg
Children: 8 to 10 mg/kg/dose
Maximum: 500 mg/dose

Ophthalmic Strip:
Close lid over moistened strip until desired staining has occurred
Topical: after administration the ocular surface is examined using a cobalt blue light. Fluorescein uptake highlights surface defects or drying.

Intravenous injection: as the dye flows through the retinal circulation, it is viewed using cobalt blue illumination. Areas of leakage or nonperfusion are highlighted.

Intradermal test dose of 0.05 mL may be used if allergy suspected

Skin and urine are likely to be discoloured after IV use.

Standard Prescription:

2% Fluorescein - apply ___ drops to __ eye(s).

Fluorescein ophthalmic strip - apply to __ eye(s). Close lid over moistened strip until desired staining has occurred

Fluorescein __ mg IV, one dose (__ mg/kg/dose)