(Ferrous fumarate (Palafer), Ferrous sulfate (Fer-in- Sol), Ferrous gluconate (Fergon))

Standard Prescription

ferrous fumarate __mg Fe PO Q__H (__mg/kg/24hr elemental Fe)

ferrous gluconate __mg Fe PO Q__H (__mg/kg/24hr elemental Fe)

ferrous sulfate __mg Fe PO Q__H (__mg/kg/24hr elemental Fe)


Doses in elemental Fe.

Iron Deficiency Anemia:
Infants & Children: 3-6 mg Fe/kg/dose PO once daily or div. BID.  Max: 150-200 mg Fe/day

Adults: 100-200 mg Fe PO once daily or div. BID to TID

Term Infants and Children:
1-2 mg Fe/kg/dose PO once daily or div. BID to TID

100-200 mg Fe /24 hrs divided daily to TID

Mechanism of Action

Iron salt for supplementation

Forms Supplied

Fe refers to elemental iron

Ferrous fumarate
capsule: 300 mg (100 mg Fe)
liquid: 60 mg/mL (20 mg Fe/mL)

Ferrous sulfate:
tablet: 300 mg (60 mg Fe)
syrup: 30 mg/mL (6 mg Fe/mL)
drops: 75 mg/mL (15 mg Fe/mL)

Ferrous gluconate:
tablet: 300 mg (35 mg Fe)


Avoid calcium supplements, dairy products and antacids; may decrease iron absorption. Space doses by 2 hours.

Liquid iron may stain teeth, give with dropper or drink through straw.

For best absorption, give on an empty stomach. If GI irritation occurs, may give with food or a snack.

May discolour stools.

If oral iron is poorly tolerated, consider every other day or once daily dosing, which has been associated with improved absorption in adults.


44, 249, 251, 329

Last Edited

2022-07-03 03:43:55