(Inderal, Hemangiol)

Standard Prescription

propranolol __mg PO Q__H (__mg/kg/24 hr)
propranolol __mg IV x 1; may repeat Q__H prn (__mg/kg/dose)


Arrhythmias oral dosing:
Initial 0.25-0.5 mg /kg/dose PO Q6-8H Usual range: 2-4 mg/kg/24hr PO div. Q68H.
Maximum: 16 mg/kg/24hr

PO: 0.5-1 mg/kg/24 hr div. Q6-12H.
Maximum: 4 mg/kg/24 hr (Max 640 mg/24 hr)

Mechanism of Action

Non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker.

Forms Supplied

tablet: 10 mg, 40 mg
liquid (BCCH): 2 mg/mL, 3.75 mg/mL
injection: 1 mg/mL


Use caution in asthma (reactive airway disease).

Higher incidence of CNS effects (insomnia, lethargy) compared to other beta blockers.

May cause bradycardia, AV bloc.

Maximum dose of 16 mg/kg/24 may be exceeded with cardiology consult.

Esmolol is preferred for IV therapy.


29, 66, 141, 192

Last Edited

2022-09-08 05:28:17