
Standard Prescription

adenosine __mg IV (__mg/kg) x 1 dose


Initial dose: 0.1 mg/kg rapid IV within 1-2 sec. (max 6 mg/dose); follow with a rapid flush of 5-10 mL NS.

If not effective within 1-2 min. give 0.2 mg/kg; max 12 mg/dose.

If not effective give 0.3 mg/kg; max 18 mg/dose

Maximum single dose: 18 mg or 0.3 mg/kg

Mechanism of Action

Antiarrhythmic; slows conduction time through AV node.

Forms Supplied

Injection: 6 mg/2 mL vial


Administer vial peripheral or central IV closest to the heart by rapid IV injection over 1-2 seconds.

May also be given by intraosseous route.

Very short duration: half-life is 10-15 sec.

May cause brief periods of sinus arrest and may precipitate bronchospasm, arrhythmias, chest discomfort, flushing.

Contraindicated in patients with heart transplant.

Caution in patients with SA or AV nodal dysfunction, obstructive lung disease or in patients taking digoxin, verapamil, carbamazepine or methylxanthines.


37, 44, 183

Last Edited

2019-08-25 12:27:30