
Standard Prescription

pseudoephedrine __mg PO Q__H (__mg/kg/24 hr)


Children (6-12 yrs):
30 mg/dose PO Q4-6H PRN Maximum : 120 mg/24hr.

>12 yrs - Adults:
30-60 mg/dose PO Q4-6H PRN.

Maximum: 240 mg/24 hours

Mechanism of Action

Alpha and beta-adrenergic receptor agonist.

Forms Supplied

tablet: 60 mg commercially available but not stocked at BCCH.


Health Canada no longer recommends use in children less than 6 years old.

Use with caution in patients with hypertension, hyperglycemia, cardiac disease, thyroid disease, glaucoma.


44, 133

Last Edited

2022-09-08 05:29:55