
Standard Prescription

zopiclone__mg PO HS


Adolescents & Adults:
3.75 mg PO HS
Maximum 7.5 mg/24hrs

Mechanism of Action


Forms Supplied

tablet: 5 mg, 7.5 mg

3.75 mg (not stocked at BCCH)


Increasing dose above 7.5 mg does not increase efficacy.

Not well studied in children/adolescents.

Common adverse effects: bitter/metallic taste, dry mouth, palpitations, tremor, rash, chills, sweating, agitation, nightmares, confusion, incoordination.

Rarely may cause hallucinations and behavioural disturbance.

Instruct patients to wait at least 12 hours after dose before driving or engaging in activities requiring full mental alertness.

Caution in respiratory impairment, liver dysfunction and depression.

Dependence/abuse potential appears to be lower compared to benzodiazepines.

Not interchangeable with eszopiclone (S-isomer of zopiclone).


4, 44, 83

Last Edited

2021-08-02 03:41:40