(Glysennid, Senokot)

Standard Prescription

senna __mg PO ___(frequency)


Children (2-5 years old): 4.3-8.6 mg/dose PO QHS-BID
Children (6-12 years old): 8.6-17.2 mg/ dose PO QHS-BID
Children >12 years and Adults: 17.2-34.4 mg/ dose PO QHS-BID

Mechanism of Action

Stimulant laxative.

Forms Supplied

(based on mg of sennosides)
tablet: 8.6 mg, 12 mg
syrup: 1.7 mg/mL


Onset of action is 6-24 hr.

Senna glycosides should be taken with plenty of fluids. Syrup can be taken with juice, milk or mixed with ice cream to mask taste.

Abdominal cramping is common.

May discolour urine or feces.

Do not use in active bowel disease or abdominal pain of unknown origin.

Not for chronic use.


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Last Edited

2019-08-26 09:14:07