(D-alpha Tocopheral Acetate, Aquasol E)

Standard Prescription

vitamin E__units PO daily


Supplementation for malabsorption/cholestasis/biliary atresia:
20-25 IU/kg/dose PO once daily in the morning

Supplementation in Cystic Fibrosis:
<1 year old: 50 IU/24 hr
1-4 yrs: 100 IU/24 hr
>4-10 yrs: 200 IU/24 hr
>10 yrs: 400 IU/24 hr

Mechanism of Action

Vitamin supplement

Forms Supplied

capsule: 100 IU, 200 IU, 400 IU
drops (Aquasol E): 50 IU/mL (water soluble)


Oil miscible preparations (as in capsules) may be used in cystic fibrosis patients > 1 year of age (to be taken with pancreatic enzymes).

CF patients < 1 year of age should take Aquasol E if not receiving an alternate product for supplementation.


64, 131, 309, 650

Last Edited

2022-09-12 01:13:15