
Standard Prescription

IV Loading Dose:  _ mg IV over _ min (_mg/m2/dose)

IV Infusion: _ mcg/kg/min IV infusion


Loading Dose:
Children PO:

<1 yr: 600-800 mg/1.73 m2/24 hr PO div Q12-24H X 4-14 days (until adequate control achieved then reduce to maintenance).
>= 1 yr: 10-15 mg/kg PO div. Q12-24H  X 4-14 days (until adequate control achieved then reduce to maintenance). 
Children IV:
Post-op cardiac surgery patients:
2-5 mg/kg/dose IV over 20-30 min
Inadequate response: 1 mg/kg/dose IV over 10 min
Adequate response: begin maintenance infusion
 5 mg/kg/dose IV/IO rapid bolus for pulseless VT or VF; infuse over 20-30 min for perfusing tachycardias (max 300 mg/dose); may repeat X 2 doses 

Children PO:
<1 yr: 200-400 mg/1.73 m2/24 hr PO div. Q12-24H.
>= 1 yr: 5 mg/kg/24 hr PO div. Q12-24H  
Children IV:
5-15 mcg/kg/min. IV continuous infusion to maximum of 15 mcg/kg/min or 20 mg/kg/24hr.

Mechanism of Action

Class III antiarrhythmic, alpha and beta blocker.

Forms Supplied

tablet: 200 mg

oral liquid (BCCH): 5 mg/mL

injection:  50 mg/mL (3 mL amp.)


Long t½, extensive distribution.

IV loading dose can cause bradycardia, hypotension, nausea and vomiting.

IV loading doses < 2 mg/kg have less incidence of adverse hemodynamic consequences.

Continuous ECG monitoring is recommended while receiving IV amiodarone

Significant drug interactions exist, especially with drug metabolized by CYP450 (e.g. warfarin and digoxin); consult Micromedex for a complete list.

Onset of action: 3 days to 3 weeks.

Use with caution in patients with hepatic dysfunction.

NOTE: In some clinical situations, maximum dosages may need to be exceeded. This should only be done in consultation with Cardiology.


1, 15, 37, 55, 141, 588

Last Edited

2022-06-09 04:38:36